Building Urban Resilience: Lessons in Innovation

publiShed in:
October 18, 2018

Lisa Prime to speak at Ecodistricts Summit in Minneapolis on Oct 18, 2018

This session will focus on key strategies to success in collaboration and partnerships to advance innovation at community scale. Explore strategies and practices to advance policy, programs and development driven solutions for urban resiliency and low-carbon development. Learn from the best leadership examples from projects that are approaching collaboration, and leave with specific actions for change.

Lisa Prime, MCIP RPP, LEED AP, is a member of OPPI and the founding principal at Prime Strategy & Planning Inc, a Toronto based professional services firm specializing in strategy for complex projects, urban revitalization, sustainability and climate change plans.

Ecodistricts Summit: Each year, the Edodistricts Summit gathers leading city makers, policy makers, developers, designers, financiers, and community leaders from North America and beyond to collaborate, explore, and inspire the next generation of neighbourhood development with a focus on equity, resilience, and climate action. Minneapolis is the host city for 2018 and we will dig in and unpack the city's urban redevelopment legacy, explore innovative projects, uncover important breakthroughs, and collectively develop an EcoDistricts roadmap for the region and beyond.